What You Should Know About Foundation Damage – House Killer


Pinellas County is very familiar with cracks on walls, ceilings, and flooring. However, large cracks suggest that there is an issue with the foundation and must be dealt with by an engineer for structural problems. The Piers are placed beneath the foundations to ensure that the house is on the rocks and not the sand.

Do Not Neglect a Strong Foundation
The majority of business and home owners neglecting solid foundations suffer from foundation damage which results in huge costs and losses for repairs. A few of the causes that cause foundation damage include the lack of drainage, plumbing difficulties and soil removal.

Strategies to Reduce Foundation Damage
There are many ways to minimize foundation damage. They include maintaining suggested moisture levels and draining excess water. Be sure to properly water and building foundations. It is important to keep buildings away from damp and sloppy places. Also, plumbing must be regularly inspected and foundation products used should be of high quality.